Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog reviews and so on

If I had to choose between posting assignments online through a blog or turning in a paper the blog definitely has my vote for several reasons. The first reason is cost. Posting online is free, while printing one piece of paper is seven cents. I know that doesn't sound a lot, but it adds up really quick, let me tell you. Second it is more accessible, and you can customize your blog to your own style. yay!

For reading everyone else's blogs I am kinda in the middle ground. I don't know if it really helped me improve in the class, but some of their posts were interesting and funny. Every once in a while I got a comment that helped me out, but most often I felt like it was kinda pointless. The good thing that the blogs did was kinda brought our class closer. It kept us in touch with the rest of the class pretty much every week, while if we were doing paper assignments we would have lost that aspect.

Overall I think the blogs are an improvement.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Design principles

The website that I am choosing to analyze is the Electric Vehicles UK 2012 website. ( I think most everyone will agree that this is an ineffective website.
Here we go!
The first thing I noticed when I went to the website was the color scheme. Bright blue colors and yellow font made it hard to focus on the information that the designer wanted the reader to read. The contrast between the colors did not help their point, it only distracted from what was important. The next thing I noticed was the amount of information on the website! There is so much information and it is all center aligned. The proximity on the website is awful to. Everything is just grouped together in one mass center column. Then we go to the font choices. The color and font varies throughout the whole website. They should have gone with a simpler design, as it would have been more effective. In the end it is hard to focus on a single article of information on this website. It is poorly designed and does not effectively do what the designer wanted it to do.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Solutions and useless websites...

The problem that I addressed in my previous blog post was counterarguments for my issues paper. I solved this problem by finding various arguments that I can use. I showed the accomplishments that the US military has achieved over the last century relating to ethics and morals. This would be achievements like the Geneva Convention and the laws of wars. Then I say how some argue that the military need a relaxation of ethics and morals so that they can function in war. These are my counterarguments... yay

Web Sites
4 effective
4 noneffective

Monday, March 19, 2012


Myths today are not the seen the same as they were in the past. In today's society myth is lacking the historical aspect that fascinated scholars and historians of the past. People should more often reflect on other peoples values or religion, or in other terms, myth.

Something that I struggled with in my Issues paper was the counterargument. My topic is how the US Military's ethics and morals have declined over the last decade and how dangerous it is to society. I don't know a counterargument because no one is going to be like having low morals and ethics is a good thing. So if anyone has any ideas that I can use, please comment!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What I learned

During class on Monday I learned a couple of things. The overall point of the class was to learn how to research efficiently. I can do this using several different resources that BYU offers. By going to the BYU's library homepage,, I can access these different resources. I can find books on my topic by clicking on the books and more tab and then search my topic. A advanced search is also available to narrow down the selection sources. If i click on the subject guides tab, then click on course guides i can scroll down and click on the writing 150 class link. This opens up a webpage that allows me to access a variety of useful sites. The first one is Opposing viewpoints in context (Gale), while the second one is the Gale Virtual Reference Library. I can find more articles also by using the Academic Search Premier (EBSCO). By using these tools I can find articles, books, journals, and more that will help me write my issue paper. I already have found two articles that I am going to use! yay!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Issues paper proposal

The topic that I have chosen to write for my issues paper is about the recent degrading of the ethical and moral standards of the Military. I believe that throughout the last decade that the integrity of the United States Military has fallen, and I think this is beginning to have an effect on not only our country but on the world.

What makes me think this? What proof do I have? In 2006 Marines were caught in Iraq killing civilians in cold blood. This outraged the people and lowered their respect for members of the Armed Forces. This was only the beginning too. Just last year the "Don't ask, Don't tell" legislation was repealed, allowing all gays and lesbions to openly serve in the military. While many civilians think this is a good thing, it has caused discomfort between many soldiers and within the barracks. Also just earlier this year, Marines were caught peeing, yes peeing, on dead Afghan bodies. As members of the military you are supposed to serve with honor and dignity, to be an example to all. However this isn't what is happening.... The worlds view on the US Armed Forces is degrading, and this is unacceptable. I care about this topic so much because I have just begun my military career, and do not want it corrupted or tainted by other members actions and increasingly lowered standards. I want to be an example and serve my country as a soldier in the United States Army.

Monday, February 27, 2012

20 Interesting things for the Issue Paper

Is the death penalty effective?
Should the government have a say in our diets?
Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
Should Marijuana be legalized?
Should English be the official language in the United States of America?
Should the drinking age be increased or decreased?
Should gays be allowed to serve in the Military?
Does religion cause war?
Should girls ask boys out? (lol)
Should students be able to grade their teachers?
Should women be allowed in Combat Arms in the Military?
Is college to expensive?
Should we switch from a winner-take-all system to a proportional system?
Should we consider human cloning?
Should the media be allowed in warfare?
Should third world countries be allowed to have weapons of mass destruction?
Do we spend too much money on prisoners?
Should religious phrases be removed from governmental affairs (i.e. money, pledge)?
Should TV ratings be reevaluated in regards to sex and violence?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

favorite movie and peer review changes

1) The biggest change i would do, is merge my two paragraphs of repetition into one, and then write a paragraph on the line, "He also wants the audience to  develop a sense of urgency and importance by connecting through this constant use of repetition."
2) In my simile paragraph, I will do more analysis focused around imagery.
3) Replace a couple of words that I used in my essay, for example the word "coerce" sounds kinda negative and would better be replaced with convinced.

My favorite move is: WARRIOR (2011). period. watch it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

O thou art my love,

I wish thou wert here with me
but for thine safety run thy away from me,
lest thy be speedily dragged down to hell with me,
Dwight's constant bickering and enormous ego
would quickly crumble Lucifer's domain,
O that I might be with thine, our love eternal
For thou hath the face of an angel, beauty shining so brightly
may hast with thy here, we might end Schrute's reign of terror
If thou wert here with me, we might place his stapler in jello,
pop his fitness ball, or relocate his desk.
Surely he cannot withstand our love.
Wheresoe'er thou goest, I wilt follow
neither man nor devil can stop me.
People shall tremble at the magnitude of our love,
Bards will write a song about what we share.
O that I might be with thee.

Thine husband and lover,
Jim Halpert

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love similes and metaphors

1)The guy's dance for his special someone had the viscosity of peanut butter.
2) His heart felt like the dust on the floor getting swept into the trash can.
3) After he broke up with her, she felt like a wet rag getting squeezed.
4) His emotions went from being on fire to like a fire getting snuffed out by a fire extinguisher.
5) The girl thought her sweethearts valentine looked like a kinder-gardener had been scribbling. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Here we go

Dear Judge Harper,

I am addressing you because of a speeding ticket on February 7th, 2012. This is my fourth speeding ticket, and my driver's license has been taken away. I am truly sorry for breaking the law and take full responsibility for my actions. I promise to obey the law in the future. I am willing to go to defensive driving school. I need my drivers license in order to maintain my current work and school schedule. Please take my proposal into consideration.

Kenny Nelson

Dear Mom,

Hey Mom, just wanted to say hi. So pretty much I have been working and studying. College is pretty tough. Anyways, I might have gotten a fourth speeding ticket, and my drivers license might be on probation. Did I mention I love you? Cause I do. So how are things going back home? I hope things are going well!


Fellow Classmates,

Everyone here speeds right? I mean who wouldn't, when your brother finally lets you drive his 450 horsepower Dodge Viper. That beauty is incredibly fast, its hard not to speed! Because of that I got a speeding ticket, which lead to my drivers license being taken away... that's a little harsh, don't you think? Everyone at one point has broken the law, my drivers license doesn't need to be suspended for speeding... I'm no felon or criminal, I have lived a good life, and plan on continuing to obey the law. Help me out here.

Kenny Nelson

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Found Poetry

The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it.

The only hope you have

is to accept the fact that you're already dead.

 The sooner you accept that,

the sooner you'll be able to function

 as a soldier is supposed to function:

 without mercy,
 without compassion,
 without remorse.

 All war depends upon it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rhetorical Analysis; critical reading questions

I have chosen to reread and go over the article by Gideon Burton, "Dear Students: Don't Let College Unplug Your Future."

The Author's intent is to motivate students to be creative about their education. To think outside the box. Burton talks about how college professors are falling behind the digital era. Students need to use these new media tools to help better themselves. Burton's big point is not to focus on the grades, or the diploma, and that college is not the only option. He says that its not the diploma that speaks for you, its your work and actions that reveals who you are. He tries to motivate the students to get more involved through the uses of new media

Gideon Burton uses many different tools and strategies to help his article. First of all he uses ethos, pathos, and logos through italics and capital phrases throughout the article, so that they standout, and connect with the reader. He uses imagery throughout the article. For example when he says, "This alternative to college credentials is a huge as the Stay Puft marshmallow man from Ghostbusters and he's towering over the skyline right where town meets gown: online identity." This is clearly an example of imagery. He uses metaphors as well, he relates  transcripts, as your lifestream: blogs, social networks, and creative work.

The audiences reaction I feel is mixed. I agree that college can be quite useless, especially in this day and age. Students who go to big schools like Harvard, Yale, etc, and pay huge amounts of money, end up with debts of 200,000 plus by the time they graduate. They try to find a job, with a starting salary of 60,000 plus, and can only find a job with a starting salary of 30,000. They simply can not pay off their debts. We chose to go to school to become specialized in a certain area, so that they can get a job. That is why BYU is such a great place, because it has a high reputation and a low tuition rate, so students that need to learn so that they can get a job, will be able to educate themselves at a low cost.

Gideon Burton is a college professor at Brigham Young University. He believes everyone should have strong political views, but be respectful at the same time. He mainly teaches English 382. He has been a member of the English Department since 1994, specializes in Renaissance literature, the history of rhetoric and Mormon literature and criticism. He published the article January 6, 2009.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Op Ed grammar errors...

Op Ed grammar errors... 

1) "A good example of this is the 2012 Republican Candidate Mitt Romney."
Needs comma
"A good example of this is the 2012 Republican Candidate, Mitt Romney."

2) "Some of you might be confused when i talk about generally aware and politically aware."
Sentence structure was confusing
"Some of you might be confused when i talk about being general awareness versus political awareness."

3) "However, the President's job goes far beyond church related issues."
Incorrect capitalization.
"However, the president's job goes far beyond church related issues."

4) "The easiest way to find the best presidential candidate is to become politically aware of their beliefs, and then make an educated decision, not making a decision just because a candidate seems to have the same set of values or beliefs."
Comma splice
"The easiest way to find the best presidential candidate is to become politically aware of their beliefs, and then make an educated decision. It is important to not make a decision just because a candidate seems to have the same set of values or beliefs."

5) "Become politically aware and active, and start contributing today, the world needs you."
Comma splice
"Become politically aware and active, and start contributing today. The world needs you."

I have a couple opinions about peer reviews.  The first is the requirement of five comments per page. I feel like this is kind of like busy work, and distracts from the real purpose of peer reviewing. To me it feels like we are getting forced to find something. This makes it hard sometimes, because people are at different writing levels, and for some one peer reviewing an expert at writing, they are going to end up writing a lot of compliments. Its going to be hard for them to find something to actually improve the paper.

I do like peer reviews though because sometimes when you are writing you get stuck up in your own world, and do not view something as others do. Peer reviewing offers the chance for others to say, "hey did you forget about this?" or ,"what about this point of view?" I don't know if this is making any sense.. What I mean is it easy to write from your point of view, but completely forgot about other points of view, which could end up alienating people.

Overall I think that it is good to have your paper peer reviewed by one other classmate. In the end I think it is most important to get it review by the teacher. The teacher is the one that grades, and knows what you need in your paper to get a good grade. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fallacies, ethos, logos, and pathos

The Fallacy that i have chosen is called the fallacy of the single cause. It blames one item, person, or thing (like a scapegoat) for something that is way to complex. This example is from politics, and its about President Obama's Healthcare.

"President Obama blames modern media for what he considers to be misinformation about healthcare. If it weren't for Fox News, talk radio, and bloggers, he implies, everyone would be embracing his healthcare initiative with open arms. On the other side of the aisle, I'm sure there are several people who believe that, if it weren't for those very same things, Obama wouldn't have gotten elected. These kinds of arguments fail to take into consideration a whole spectrum of things that contribute to current events. While modern media might share some blame for how things have turned out, they are likely only responsible for a tiny percentage of it. Besides, any such argument is an ignoratio elenchi, in that whomever is to blame is beside the point."

What this implies is that while many people will blame one cause, when in reality it is actually a numerous amount of causes that are responsible for it. People look to blame one thing because it is easier that way. This is a fallacy because to people this argument sounds reasonable. It has become the common thing for the President to be responsible for all of the United States problems. However this argument is deceptive, the President is not the only responsible one, he possible cant be the only one, he doesn't have the power.

King Henry's V speech has many examples of ethos, pathos, and logos. 
The first example of ethos is when Henry says, "Defy us to our worst: for, as I am a soldier, A name that in my thoughts becomes me best." This is ethos because he establishing trust by saying he is a soldier, one who cares and sacrifices for his country. The second example of ethos is when Henry says, " I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur till in her ashes she lie buried." This is an example of ethos because he is showing that he an honest, caring, and loving man.

The first example of pathos is where Henry says, "We may as bootless spend our vain command upon the enraged soldiers in their spoil as send precepts to the leviathan to come ashore." This is pathos because he is using a strong appeal to emotion to get his point across. The second example of pathos is where Henry says, " if not, why, in a moment look to see the blind and bloody soldier with foul hand defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters." This sentence paints a pretty foul picture to the people of the town. Henry is telling them what could happen if they do not surrender, and his words are meant to connect to the emotional bond between families. This is why it is an example of Pathos.

The first example of logos is where Henry says, "Take pity of your town and of your people, whiles yet my soldiers are in my command; whiles yet the cool and temperate wind of grace O'erblows the filthy and contagious clouds of heady murder, spoil and villany." This is an example of Logos because he is saying by logic if you do not surrender, we are going to raid and murder your village. The second example of logos is   when King Henry says, "and their most reverend heads dash'd to the walls, your naked infants spitted upon pikes, whiles the mad mothers with their howls confused do break the clouds, as did the wives of Jewry At Herod's bloody-hunting slaughtermen. What say you? will you yield, and this avoid, or, guilty in defence, be thus destroy'd? The logical argument is the same, horrible things are going to happen to your families unless you surrender.

Monday, January 9, 2012

All about me

My name is Kenny Nelson and I am a freshman at BYU. I am 18 years old and from San Diego California. I have three older brothers and a younger sister. lol now that that's over... I like all sports, but especially soccer. I like going to the beach, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, and skimboarding. I like doing anything outside, but I don't know about the cold up here in Utah. Guess i am still getting used to it. I do really want to go snowboarding or skiing though because I have never gone. I like hip hop and rap, and a little of rock. I like working out and getting big. I also like dating haha. I am a big fan of guns, and am currently in the Utah Army National Guard. I am currently at BYU so I can be in Army Rotc, and graduate as a Officer in the Army. I am currently on the BYU Army's Markmanship Team and get to shoot guns every week. Its really great we get to do cool things like play poker with guns. You put the cards up on the range, and you build your hand by shooting the cards. But we don't gamble anything haha. Anyways I like hanging out with friends and just having a good time. If you ever want to hang out with me just call me up. I am really excited for this semester and afterwards plan on going on a mission later on in the year. Well that's all about me, see you around.