Monday, January 23, 2012

Op Ed grammar errors...

Op Ed grammar errors... 

1) "A good example of this is the 2012 Republican Candidate Mitt Romney."
Needs comma
"A good example of this is the 2012 Republican Candidate, Mitt Romney."

2) "Some of you might be confused when i talk about generally aware and politically aware."
Sentence structure was confusing
"Some of you might be confused when i talk about being general awareness versus political awareness."

3) "However, the President's job goes far beyond church related issues."
Incorrect capitalization.
"However, the president's job goes far beyond church related issues."

4) "The easiest way to find the best presidential candidate is to become politically aware of their beliefs, and then make an educated decision, not making a decision just because a candidate seems to have the same set of values or beliefs."
Comma splice
"The easiest way to find the best presidential candidate is to become politically aware of their beliefs, and then make an educated decision. It is important to not make a decision just because a candidate seems to have the same set of values or beliefs."

5) "Become politically aware and active, and start contributing today, the world needs you."
Comma splice
"Become politically aware and active, and start contributing today. The world needs you."

I have a couple opinions about peer reviews.  The first is the requirement of five comments per page. I feel like this is kind of like busy work, and distracts from the real purpose of peer reviewing. To me it feels like we are getting forced to find something. This makes it hard sometimes, because people are at different writing levels, and for some one peer reviewing an expert at writing, they are going to end up writing a lot of compliments. Its going to be hard for them to find something to actually improve the paper.

I do like peer reviews though because sometimes when you are writing you get stuck up in your own world, and do not view something as others do. Peer reviewing offers the chance for others to say, "hey did you forget about this?" or ,"what about this point of view?" I don't know if this is making any sense.. What I mean is it easy to write from your point of view, but completely forgot about other points of view, which could end up alienating people.

Overall I think that it is good to have your paper peer reviewed by one other classmate. In the end I think it is most important to get it review by the teacher. The teacher is the one that grades, and knows what you need in your paper to get a good grade. 


  1. For number one, it was actually correct the first way! In this instance, Mitt Romney was an essential part of the sentence, and when it's necessary to the sentence, the comma is unnecessary.

    For number two, this might be a better way to phrase it: "...when I talk about being generally aware versus being politically aware."

    I hope the peer review today was useful for your paper!

  2. I agree with what you said about the reviewing someones paper who is an expert at writ in. I wanted to help people with their papers and make suggestions but it was to hard for me to get the five required on every page. And it did feel like busy work I didn't think it would take that ling at all so I started it a little later then I should have.

  3. Yeah I thought it was a lot to try and find five things per page. I think that having a teacher review it is helpful, but also having peers review it as well is helpful. This is because they can really help with your voice and ways to appeal to a certain audience.

  4. I agree with your opinions on peer reviews, especially the 5 commnets per page. It DEFINITELY feels like busy work, and like I have to hunt down things or make a note on something that doesn't really need to be fixed/changed. Good corrections. I love number five. Splitting those sentences makes it stronger.

  5. Good job:) I agree with the thing you said about how people can see things you don't see in your paper. It's so true!

  6. First, I like your blog. It's pretty cool. Even though it's black and I'm trying to type with only the light of my screen... and that makes it kind of difficult. But that doesn't matter, it's cool no matter what.

    What I got from looking at your errors, is that you definitely learned from those punctuation quizzes we had! Because most of them seemed to deal with concepts we focused on.

    Also, that part about peer reviews by the teacher? Haha, I totally said the SAME exact thing. Not on my post, but to the teacher.... I just totally agree. I don't see why it matters what others think regarding your paper, when no one other than the teacher is really ever going to look at it. Way to read my mind!
