Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Issues paper proposal

The topic that I have chosen to write for my issues paper is about the recent degrading of the ethical and moral standards of the Military. I believe that throughout the last decade that the integrity of the United States Military has fallen, and I think this is beginning to have an effect on not only our country but on the world.

What makes me think this? What proof do I have? In 2006 Marines were caught in Iraq killing civilians in cold blood. This outraged the people and lowered their respect for members of the Armed Forces. This was only the beginning too. Just last year the "Don't ask, Don't tell" legislation was repealed, allowing all gays and lesbions to openly serve in the military. While many civilians think this is a good thing, it has caused discomfort between many soldiers and within the barracks. Also just earlier this year, Marines were caught peeing, yes peeing, on dead Afghan bodies. As members of the military you are supposed to serve with honor and dignity, to be an example to all. However this isn't what is happening.... The worlds view on the US Armed Forces is degrading, and this is unacceptable. I care about this topic so much because I have just begun my military career, and do not want it corrupted or tainted by other members actions and increasingly lowered standards. I want to be an example and serve my country as a soldier in the United States Army.


  1. I think this is a good topic to write on. You obviously care a lot about the issue, so I think you'll be able to do a very good job on the paper. :)

  2. Definitely a topic right up your alley. I feel like you've definitely got an ethos appeal, and you're definitely very passionate about the topic. Can't wait to read it!

  3. You'll definitely have to be careful with this topic because it would be easy to turn it into a moral argument, which might work for a BYU audience, but may not be as arguable to a broader audience. What might help is to narrow your topic by possibly cutting out the "don't ask, don't tell" portion and just focusing on how the behavior of military personnel has affected the world's view of our military and country.

    You will absolutely have to find a concrete solution for the problem though. That way you can turn your argument from "there is a problem" to "this is what we can do to fix the problem."

    I do appreciate that you are writing about something you feel passionately about, so that will help you stay invested in your topic.
