Monday, February 13, 2012

Love similes and metaphors

1)The guy's dance for his special someone had the viscosity of peanut butter.
2) His heart felt like the dust on the floor getting swept into the trash can.
3) After he broke up with her, she felt like a wet rag getting squeezed.
4) His emotions went from being on fire to like a fire getting snuffed out by a fire extinguisher.
5) The girl thought her sweethearts valentine looked like a kinder-gardener had been scribbling. 


  1. Kenny, are you in Geology? Because I was just reading about viscosity for class today...and this gave me a laugh. :)

  2. There seems to be a mood here.. haha these are great! Numnber 5 is my favorite. :) Mostly because its true most of the time, haha. Guys and well written things just don't go together often

  3. 2 and 3 I thought were great! haha... I liked it how you related it to cleaning, which isn't fun at all just like when your heart gets broken.

  4. KENNY. Accept my friend request. K, thanks.
    Your best friend,
