Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog reviews and so on

If I had to choose between posting assignments online through a blog or turning in a paper the blog definitely has my vote for several reasons. The first reason is cost. Posting online is free, while printing one piece of paper is seven cents. I know that doesn't sound a lot, but it adds up really quick, let me tell you. Second it is more accessible, and you can customize your blog to your own style. yay!

For reading everyone else's blogs I am kinda in the middle ground. I don't know if it really helped me improve in the class, but some of their posts were interesting and funny. Every once in a while I got a comment that helped me out, but most often I felt like it was kinda pointless. The good thing that the blogs did was kinda brought our class closer. It kept us in touch with the rest of the class pretty much every week, while if we were doing paper assignments we would have lost that aspect.

Overall I think the blogs are an improvement.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Design principles

The website that I am choosing to analyze is the Electric Vehicles UK 2012 website. ( I think most everyone will agree that this is an ineffective website.
Here we go!
The first thing I noticed when I went to the website was the color scheme. Bright blue colors and yellow font made it hard to focus on the information that the designer wanted the reader to read. The contrast between the colors did not help their point, it only distracted from what was important. The next thing I noticed was the amount of information on the website! There is so much information and it is all center aligned. The proximity on the website is awful to. Everything is just grouped together in one mass center column. Then we go to the font choices. The color and font varies throughout the whole website. They should have gone with a simpler design, as it would have been more effective. In the end it is hard to focus on a single article of information on this website. It is poorly designed and does not effectively do what the designer wanted it to do.