Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Solutions and useless websites...

The problem that I addressed in my previous blog post was counterarguments for my issues paper. I solved this problem by finding various arguments that I can use. I showed the accomplishments that the US military has achieved over the last century relating to ethics and morals. This would be achievements like the Geneva Convention and the laws of wars. Then I say how some argue that the military need a relaxation of ethics and morals so that they can function in war. These are my counterarguments... yay

Web Sites
4 effective
4 noneffective

Monday, March 19, 2012


Myths today are not the seen the same as they were in the past. In today's society myth is lacking the historical aspect that fascinated scholars and historians of the past. People should more often reflect on other peoples values or religion, or in other terms, myth.

Something that I struggled with in my Issues paper was the counterargument. My topic is how the US Military's ethics and morals have declined over the last decade and how dangerous it is to society. I don't know a counterargument because no one is going to be like having low morals and ethics is a good thing. So if anyone has any ideas that I can use, please comment!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What I learned

During class on Monday I learned a couple of things. The overall point of the class was to learn how to research efficiently. I can do this using several different resources that BYU offers. By going to the BYU's library homepage, lib.byu.edu, I can access these different resources. I can find books on my topic by clicking on the books and more tab and then search my topic. A advanced search is also available to narrow down the selection sources. If i click on the subject guides tab, then click on course guides i can scroll down and click on the writing 150 class link. This opens up a webpage that allows me to access a variety of useful sites. The first one is Opposing viewpoints in context (Gale), while the second one is the Gale Virtual Reference Library. I can find more articles also by using the Academic Search Premier (EBSCO). By using these tools I can find articles, books, journals, and more that will help me write my issue paper. I already have found two articles that I am going to use! yay!